How To Progress through the New Permanent Season | Black Desert

Описание к видео How To Progress through the New Permanent Season | Black Desert

Everything you need to know about the #BlackDesert #Season system, how to progress through it, and how to graduate to continue your #Adventure.

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00:00 Introduction
00:09 What are Season Servers and why should I start here?
00:29 How do I enter a Season Server?
00:36 What is a Season Character Ticket?
01:16 What kind of benefits do I get?
01:35 What do you mean by "Exclusive Gear"?
03:06 What is a Season Pass?
03:44 What does "graduating" mean?
04:22 Can I only play on the Season Servers with a Seasonal Character?
04:38 Do Season Servers have exclusive content?
05:20 Is there any time limit for me to graduate?
05:28 Is there anything I need to prepare?
05:56 I finished the Seasonal content, what's next?
06:07 Outro

• • •

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