Mr. Burns: a Post-Electric Video Essay (or, how i learned to stop worrying and love the hellscape)

Описание к видео Mr. Burns: a Post-Electric Video Essay (or, how i learned to stop worrying and love the hellscape)

A breakdown of the themes and apocalyptic implications of Anne Washburn's 2012 play, "Mr. Burns: A Post Electric Play" and why this wasteland passion play shows both the triumph of humanity over adversity, and that maybe we need to end The Simpsons before The Simpsons ends us.

I just think it's neat. 🥔

00:00 Intro: The Road
03:02 Mr Burns: a Post-Electric Play, Summarized
08:04 Title Card
08:30 The Play's Performance History
10:02 Sacred Fools' 2017 Los Angeles Production
12:51 How Sideshow Bob Merged With Mr Burns
20:01 Dramaturgy of The Simpsons
32:35 Athens' Longest-Running Comedy
36:45 America's Longest-Running Comedy
39:19 A Springfield Apocalypse
43:40 How to Run Springfield's Nuclear Power Plant
49:22 Apocalypse, Always
52:19 Anne Washburns' Theatre of The Apocalypse
54:13 Boomer Apocalypse
55:28 Expanding Burns Beyond the Nuclear Power Plant
55:55 What Does "Mr Burns" Symbolize?
1:05:46 "In Your Opinion, Are We Living In a Post-Apocalyptic Hellscape?"
1:07:36 Salvagepunk
1:18:30 Telling the Same Jokes Forever
1:28:34 Even In Dark Times, There Will Be Singing - About The Dark Times

👉Patreon:   / kkallgren  

👉Jaime Robledo
👉Lindsay Broadwell
👉‪@StealingFocus‬ 's Emily Clark

👉Carol Kallgren
👉Donald Kallgren
👉David Kowarsky
👉Jasmine Garcia
👉Sam Logsdon

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