GTA V Iphone app for ingame phone control - Arduino project

Описание к видео GTA V Iphone app for ingame phone control - Arduino project

A simple Android version:

   • Simple GTA 5 Phone control for Androi...  

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Fun project for control the GTA V ingame phone with iphone.

Arduino Leonardo with Ethernet shield, connected to the pc.
Run a webserwer (same as the arduino example, just added more URL)


Thank you all, for the comments here and reddit.
There is no any hack, or ingame modding.
Its only kayboard and mouse emulating with phone and arduino.
This app comes only from an idea "maybe can i control the ingame phone". Yes, can, but this app is far from app to a store condition. Later i can share the xcode and android code, but without dev account(or friend with dev account), cannot upload to your phone.

This way what im using, based on ethernet shield, and you can see, little slow the communication. Maybe better if i change to BLE from Ethernet. In the next days i try it, but no programming skill, so i hope find usable swift bluetooth tutorial on the net.

If yes, modify the app to BLE and maybe reach the quality and speed that limit how i can upload to app store.
I think when i finish the app, everyone played out the full game :)

But need to know, the app itself useless without an arduino with ethernet or ble (hm-10/11) module, connected to the pc with usb.


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