BnS - Big 4 Upgrades New Player Long Term Progression Soul/Heart/Pet/Talisman

Описание к видео BnS - Big 4 Upgrades New Player Long Term Progression Soul/Heart/Pet/Talisman

Thanks for watching!
Sorry for the messy inventory.

UPDATE: New Soulboost on Korea seems to give +11 Reverent Soul etc. meaning doing the fusion stone way will be the same as next Soulboost probably coming on 15. October 2024.

Tldr: Go True Netherspark/Allegiant/Supernatural/Skywatch and before going to the red mythical, you +14 it.
If you don't have those and used Soulboost items, send over from alt to your main. Safe tons of mats and time. (Long term progress)
Is my Excel sheet, note upgrading with Vials/Oils you risk going into pity 2x/3x your cost of 1.6mill gold. You also save up alot of gold by not buying Fusion/Synthesis Stones from market.

Hope it helps for new players to understand how to progress long term the Big 4 Items, I am grateful for any feedback.


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