Ethiopian Recipe: |How to make Keneto or Mewdedi| ኬኔቶ ወይንም መወደድ የተባለውን መጠጥ በቀላሉ ማዘጋጀት እንዴት ይቻላል?

Описание к видео Ethiopian Recipe: |How to make Keneto or Mewdedi| ኬኔቶ ወይንም መወደድ የተባለውን መጠጥ በቀላሉ ማዘጋጀት እንዴት ይቻላል?

Ethiopian Food

How to Make Mewdedi (Keneto)

We create this page to share the recipes and authentic food of the world with touch of Ethiopian cuisine. We want everyone who follow us to be our family members and learn from each other, on top of it we want your suggestions and feed back with things we missed. Our channel is more focused on easy and quick recipes but very delicious.

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ethiopian food (Mulmul Bread) keneto mewdedi

#KishinTube #MewdediKeneto #EthiopianFood


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