每日灵修2024年11月30日(星期六)帖撒罗尼迦前书2章17至20节 (English translation in description box)

Описание к видео 每日灵修2024年11月30日(星期六)帖撒罗尼迦前书2章17至20节 (English translation in description box)


读经:曾德嘉弟兄 / 分享者:张于泽弟兄
“背景资料来源”: 【圣经综合解读】

1 Thessalonians 2:17-20
30 Nov 2024 Saturday
Scripture Reading by Bro Taka Chang / Sharing by Bro Anson Chong

The direct translation of “separated aporphanizo” is “made orphans”. Paul compares himself to a mother (v. 7) and a father (v. 11), and compares the Thessalonian church to an orphan, likening the forced separation to a family being torn apart. He explains in detail why he was unable to return to Thessalonica, most likely because the opponents in Thessalonica questioned Paul's leaving and no longer caring for the first believers. It may refer to Paul's repeated attempts to find an opportunity to return to Thessalonica, only to be chased away by the Jews in Thessalonica; or it may be because the Thessalonian believers had posted a bond (Acts 17:9) guaranteeing that Paul and Silas would not return. Satan's obstruction did not ultimately stop the growth of the Thessalonian church, but instead prompted Paul to write the First and Second Thessalonians, which has become a valuable asset to churches throughout the ages. Finally, God causes victory. In Acts 20:1-5, it is recorded that Paul eventually returned to Thessalonica and travelled throughout that region, visiting every church in the area.
“What if we have determined that the obstacles in the way are really from Satan? I have only one piece of advice, and that is, go on, with or without obstacles, and the Holy Spirit of God will empower you to go on and walk faithfully and dutifully the way you should go.” (Spurgeon)
Paul assured the believers in Thessalonica that he would never forget them, for they were his glory and joy. He could not visit them, but should never think that this was because he did not love the Thessalonian believers enough.
“All who preach the gospel should read this chapter carefully and closely, and examine themselves by it. Most preachers who read it, provided they are not ashamed of their consciences, will either give their place to others, or resolve to serve the Lord with more fire in the future.” (Clarke).

Our Heavenly Father, grant special favour to bless the pastors, leaders, and spiritual directors of the Church who lead us; both past and present, and may You cause them to increase in favour and strength.
In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.


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