The History of Catholicism in the United States | EWTN News Nightly

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The Basilica of St. Mary's is not only the oldest Catholic Church in Virginia but it's also a symbol of religious freedom as a natural right in America. The story behind how it got here reveals the history of Catholicism in the United States. Prior to the war for American Independence, Catholics in the colonies worshipped in fear and in hiding. George Washington's commitment to religious freedom, opened the door to Catholicism in the United States. One of Washington's financial letters dated March 17, 1788 records a gift of 1 lb ten shillings to the German congregation in Alexandria "towards hiring a house for public worship." Historians believe this St. Patrick's day contribution led to the building of St. Mary's 8 miles north of Mt. Vernon. -A reward for American Catholics fighting in the war for independence.

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