How Hentai Destroys Your Mind

Описание к видео How Hentai Destroys Your Mind

Hentai is one of the most damaging aspects of the Internet in the 2020s. What makes it so destructive, and what can we do about it?

A shootoff of the anime industry, hentai is ravaging the minds of tens of millions of people. While many of them are minors, who are especially vulnerable, hentai negatively impacts the bodies & minds of everyone. Young and old, men and women alike. Parts of the anime industry and many anitubers aren't helping the situation.

In this video, I dive into the hentai problem, and break down all the ways it's hurting people, as well as how we can address it. This is how hentai destroys your mind.

How Pornography Destroys Your Mind
   • How Pornography Destroys Your Mind  

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Sources for the information cited in the video:

Sam Loule:

Woman's story:

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Hijacking The Brain - How Pornography Works

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Internet Porn - Worse Than Crack?

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