The Atheist Experience 28.50 with The Cross Examiner, Forrest Valkai, and Jim Barrows

Описание к видео The Atheist Experience 28.50 with The Cross Examiner, Forrest Valkai, and Jim Barrows

00:00 Intro
10:23 Patrick-FL | Why Do Atheists Need Evidence For God?
48:56 Jackie-TX | Can't Do It By Myself
50:00 Brandon-TX | First Cause Logic Trap
1:21:16 Chuck-HI | Christians Worship The Devil!
1:31:29 Steve-NE | Meteor Hit Ocean To Cause Noah's Flood
In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Forrest Valkai, The Cross Examiner, and Jim Barrows, work through some logic games with callers before finally reminding everyone that Google exists and to at least try to prepare before calling the show.

Patrick in FL wants to know why atheists continue to seek evidence for god. The claims made in the Bible can be tested, but not necessarily god. We don’t need a god built in a laboratory, we just can take individual pieces of evidence that are testable to arrive at the most likely scenario. The hardest thing to do is prove a negative and all we need is one good piece of evidence to show that god exists. Do we understand the rules that god gives us or are we just like ants and mean nothing to him? How is an omnipotent being unable to deal with things himself? Why should we care if you don’t know what your god wants? How can you tell the difference between a god that does not exist and a god that you can’t know?

Jackie in MS fails the 60 second test in less than five seconds by referencing someone else and not describing anything in his own words.

Brandon in TX has a valid scientific reason to believe in a higher power and uses the first cause argument to support this. The first mover/cause is a fallacy because what caused the first cause? Forrest explains how the big bang(stretch) is what we know of when space and time started. Asking what happened before this could get us into a logic trap. What would that possibly be and how would we test it? If there is no cause for entangled particles having an opposite spin, why would there be one for the universe? Why does god not need a beginning when everything else does? Why can’t this thing that caused the universe have a natural cause? How do we get from the first law of thermodynamics to god?

Chuck in HI says that Christians worship the Devil! Are Jesus and the Devil the same entity or are they separate the way the Bible presents them? Why would the Devil say to love your neighbor as yourself? We agree that the Bible says horrible things. Why does Jesus say completely opposite things than what the Devil wants for us in this case?

Steve in NE has evidence for Noah’s flood 5,000 years ago of a meteor hitting the oceans. This impact would have been more colossal than what killed the dinosaurs. Why are humans not experiencing the effects of this now? Who did Noah have to have sex with to keep trichomoniasis alive? This explanation is simply not possible with what we know today about the physics of waves. How is there more genetic diversity in chimpanzees than there is for humans? Try and Google your argument before coming on this show. Some of these arguments we have heard for the fiftieth time in a day. You can read original sources for almost everything! Be prepared with your A-game here.

Thank you for tuning in this week! Question of the week is: If the Bible had a post credit scene, what would it show?

Believe in God? Call the show on Sundays 4:30pm-6:00pm CT: 1-512-991-9242 or use your computer 💻 and tell us what you believe and why!

We request pronouns as part of the call screening process on our shows, and we display the pronouns our callers provide. If you see a caller with no pronouns indicated, this is because they chose not to provide us with any, and we respect that decision.

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