Описание к видео ABRAHAM ON MARTIN LUTHER KING - Esther & Jerry Hicks

Abraham, translated by Esther Hicks, responds to a mother's question about her 7-year-old son being uncomfortable hearing the story of Martin Luther King. Then Abraham presents their own version of Dr. King's dream, as told from Non-Physical Source's empowering perspective. Recorded during a 2008 Abraham-Hicks Well-Being Cruise Seminar.

Esther & Jerry Hicks are the authors of numerous books based on the Teachings of Abraham and their latest book, "Money and The Law of Attraction", reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.

For over 20 years, Esther has translated blocks of thought from "Non-Physical Source Energy" - which she also identifies as her "Inner Being" or "Soul" - and who refer to themselves in the plural as "Abraham" (no relation to the Biblical figure).

Esther doesn't use the word "channeling" to describe her process, but understands if others do. For more information, please view our YouTube video entitled "Abraham Explains Who They Are", or go to http://www.abraham-hicks.com and listen to the audio entitled "Introduction To Abraham".

NOTE: To watch this video in high quality and stereo, simply add "&fmt=18" to the end of the URL and refresh the page.


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