[2024]: Appium Mobile App Automation testing , Most practical Android, device app- UBER REDDIT 📱⚙️

Описание к видео [2024]: Appium Mobile App Automation testing , Most practical Android, device app- UBER REDDIT 📱⚙️

This course is easy step by step approach to build a practical Appium Automation testing on a real phone device, real app using Java.

00:00:00 Introduction to this course
00:01:57 Contents of this course
00:04:37 Installation of Intellij, Java, Maven
00:24:02 Installation of node in our machine
00:27:27 Installation of appium in our machine
00:30:36 Download and copy platform tools
00:35:53 Installation of Vysor in our machine
00:37:43 About the Android phone details that we are using in this course, how to connect phone to your machine via USB cable through settings
00:45:43 About the capabilities of mobile phone - so that we can configure that while using appium scripts
00:51:45 Creating a new java project for creating the appium scripts
00:56:33 About appium drivers and why is it important
01:01:40 About appium driver documentation - a quick view - which is important
01:07:20 Installation of the android sdk platform tools
01:11:22 Adding the ANDROID_HOME details in the environment variables
01:15:33 Launching mobile app using the appium scipts
01:34:12 Download and install appium inspector
01:37:00 Starting session of the appium inspector
01:42:43 About appium locator strategies and selectors
01:45:45 Using appium inspector to capture uber mobile app element locators
02:04:03 Writing appium scripts and demonstrating the test execution run of the Uber app
02:10:31 Using appium inspector to capture Reddit mobile app element locators
02:13:31 Writing appium scripts and demonstrating the test execution run of the Reddit app
02:16:18 Conclusion



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