The Real St. Valentine: Who was Saint Valentine and what did he do

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The Basilica of St. Maria in Cosmedin is located in the center of Rome, around a 40 minute walk from the Vatican. Inside the minor basilica is the alleged skull of St. Valentine, whom we celebrate on February the 14th, the day he was decapitated. Father Chihade Abboud, the Rector of the Basilica and a priest of the Greek-Melkite rite, tells us who St. Valentine really was. Father Abboud says the saint lived in the third century during a time when the Church of Rome was not highly looked upon. And to be a Christian was like being a criminal. But St. Valentine was always on a mission to evangelize, having no fear of pagans or political leaders. Emperor Claudio demanded soldiers not to get married thinking that it would lose their strength and concentration at war. But St. Valentine, believing strongly in the value of family life, continued to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Matrimony according to the Christian faith. St. Valentine was put in prison because of his convictions. While in prison, he prayed for one of the guard's daughters who was blind, and her sight was restored. Father Abboud says love is not blind. Love sees. He says we can ask for St. Valentine's intercession to live our life and our faith with true and profound love. Rome Correspondent, Colm Flynn reports.

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