ITHub4 (SLO) - Mobile charcoal pile prototype for biochar production in situ

Описание к видео ITHub4 (SLO) - Mobile charcoal pile prototype for biochar production in situ

Mobile biochar kiln is an innovation for biochar production in situ on farms. Although the kiln has been developed for transforming wood residues from chestnut cultivation into biochar, it can be used for other types of wood residues as well. The input material for carbonization can be wood with varying diameters and lengths cut approximately to one meter, or other wood residues coming from the chestnut cultivation or other sources, such as pruning residues of fruit trees or residues of silvicultural operations. Carbonization takes place at a low to medium temperature (below 500 °C) which gives a higher biochar yield compared with rapid and/or high temperature pyrolysis systems. Biochar can be used on the farm or sold, becoming an additional source of income for the farm.
Mobile biochar pile prototype is developed by OG INGECA: Solaria Anzilotti, Salvatore Moricca, Rodolfo Picchio,

Funded by the European Union (Grant n. 101086216). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or REA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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