Curlew and the Welsh Landscape - Webinar Series | Y Gylfinir a Thirwedd Cymru - Cyfres Gweminarau

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Curlew and the Welsh Landscape - Webinar Series | Y Gylfinir a Thirwedd Cymru - Cyfres Gweminarau

Join us for the first episode of the newest GWCT Cymru webinar series, where we delve into the world of nature and art in Wales. Our special guest, Owen Williams, is a self-taught artist who captures the iconic silhouettes of the Welsh landscape and also our emblematic birds that reside here, including the Eurasian Curlew. Be a part of an inspiring session with our special guest, as he showcases his poignant reflections of the Welsh landscape and environment, sharing his creative inspirations, and celebrates the captivating fusion of art and nature.

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer pennod gyntaf cyfres gweminarau ddiweddaraf GWCT Cymru, lle rydym yn ymchwilio i fyd natur a chelf yng Nghymru. Mae ein gwestai arbennig, Owen Williams, yn artist hunanddysgedig sy'n llunio silwetau eiconig tirwedd Cymru a hefyd yr adar arwyddluniol sy'n byw yma, gan gynnwys y Gylfinir Ewrasiaidd.

Byddwch yn rhan o sesiwn ysbrydoledig gyda'n gwestai arbennig, wrth iddo arddangos ei fyfyrdodau teimladwy o dirwedd ac amgylchedd Cymru, gan rannu ei ysbrydoliaeth greadigol, a dathlu’r berthynas hudolus rhwng celf a natur.

You can find out more about the Curlew Connections Wales Project by visiting our website:


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