"Shavuot - The Giving of the Torah" – M. Brown

Описание к видео "Shavuot - The Giving of the Torah" – M. Brown

Today’s message by Pastor Michael Brown:
"Shavuot - The Giving of the Torah"
SERVICE STARTS AFTER ANNOUNCEMENTS AT 0:15:43 - Click "SHOW MORE" to see full content.

This week's Parashah:
"Be-Midbar" (In the Wilderness) - Numbers 1:1 - 4:20

In this Torah portion we begin the book of Numbers. God tells Moses to conduct a census of all the Israelite men over the age of 20. This is important because these men were the ones who would lead Israel into the Promised Land as an army. Moses takes up a second census to count all of the Levite men. God gives specific instructions to the Levites about their roles in the Tent of Meeting.
The journey from Egypt to the Promised Land is a metaphor for the spiritual journey through life. Just as Israel's journey began when God liberated them from Egypt, our spiritual path begins with a great salvation when we meet the Messiah. Just as Israel's goal was the Promised Land, our ultimate destination is eternal life. Between here and there we face tests, trials, and all manner of adventures. Like the Children of Israel, we may face warfare, temptations, and hardships. As with the Israelites in the wilderness, our success or failure is determined by our reactions to these trials.

** All music played under CCLI License #2318139 **

Contents of This Video
0:00:00 - Preservice Announcements
0:15:43 - Welcome – Opening Prayer
0:17:40 - Torah Service Starts – Open Ark
0:19:22 - Blessing
0:20:34 - Parashah Intro
0:21:31 - Torah Reading – M. Brown
0:24:50 - Torah Reading – Micah Vetter
0:27:02 - Torah Reading – M. Cohen
0:29:55 - Gelilah – Blessing
0:31:05 - Drash – Mike Cohen
0:46:55 - Etz Chaim
0:48:45 - Amidah III
0:51:24 - Mourner's Kaddish - Torah Service Ends
0:56:05 - Shema and Full V'ahavta
0:59:10 - Worship Song – “Come Let Us Go Up”
1:02:21 - Worship Song – “Adonai”
1:06:26 - Worship Song – “The Shadow of El Shaddai”
1:10:55 - Worship Song – “Great Are You Lord”
1:14:52 - Worship Song – “Yeshua Messiah”
1:19:45 - Lord's Supper
1:26:32 - Pray and dismiss children
1:27:12 - Announcements
1:38:07 - Prayer and Message – Michael Brown
2:24:31 - Aaronic Benediction


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