GHS SweeneyToddFull withBonus RogersPhotography

Описание к видео GHS SweeneyToddFull withBonus RogersPhotography

Rogers Photography (Ed, Lori, Abby, Edmund & Spencer Rogers) would like to congratulate the entire cast, crew/production team on taking home the Lion's share of awards at the 2017 CT High School Musical Theatre Awards including "Outstanding Production Of The Year!"

A special shout out goes to Edmund Rogers (Sweeney Todd) and Anastacia Mirrione (Mrs. Lovett) for their spectacular performances!

This video represents the Full (rehearsal) Production with "Bonus" features including behind the scenes and CTHGMT Awards highlights.

This video may be be downloaded by the cast/crew/production team for archival purposes but must be kept whole in it's entirety along with the proper credits.


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