Borealis Bestiary - Downy Crakes & Bristly Crakes (Nature Documentary)

Описание к видео Borealis Bestiary - Downy Crakes & Bristly Crakes (Nature Documentary)

A rare look at some of the New World's rarest endemic life.
Special thanks to ZetsuLive for buying me a new microphone!

Patreon:   / glydeborealis  
Twitter:   / glydeborealis  
Reddit:   / glydeborealis  

Video Clips used: 28
Expeditions Started: 50+
Time Spent looking for Crakes: 10+ hrs
Time Taken: 30 days

Glyde Borealis

Software Used
Recording: OBS Studios
Video Editing: OpenShot Video Editor
Audio Editing: Audacity

Music Used
Preparing for the Journey - Monster Hunter: World OST
Dreams of Tomorrow - Monster Hunter: World OST

Mods Used
Green Screen mod (Invisible hunter) - AsteriskAmpersand
No Scout Flies mod - MHVuze

Pre-screen Reviewers
AVUltima, Azreak, BestTeaMaker, Chrys, GhostLily, JakeKamas, Nightdrop, SkySheimi, Stripe Rose, Skavang


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