The truth about the most DISPUTED region on the planet... ⚔️😤

Описание к видео The truth about the most DISPUTED region on the planet... ⚔️😤

What most people don't know is that this region in Asia is actually the most disputed, or controversial, region on the planet
Regardless of what you wanna call it, all this controversy stems from the international law that grants every country up to 200 nautical miles of jurisdiction away from their coast

,which allows the countries to do things like fishing near their mainland without the threat of other nations trying to steal the resources. However, when you have this many countries all bunched up in the same region, things start to go south pretty quickly.

For example, Brunei’s ocean border looks pretty normal, but once we add in the claims of Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, the issue starts to become pretty clear. But perhaps the wildest claim of all is that of China, who essentially said “I don't care what anyone else thinks, I'm gonna claim the entire sea.” China most likely had its eye on the huge amounts of oil the sea possessed, and wanted all that to itself. In fact, they wanted it so bad that they literally built their own islands from scratch to validate their claim.

And, with Taiwan claiming the same exact ocean space as China, what this means is that now you basically have 6 different countries all fighting for access to the same space, making this sea the most disputed region on the planet.

#shorts #geography


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