Dondra Ritzenthaler - Moves Power Women Gala Speech

Описание к видео Dondra Ritzenthaler - Moves Power Women Gala Speech

Moves Power Women Honoree: Dondra Ritzenthaler, SVP Sales & TSS CELEBRITY CRUISES

“… as women, we have to be resilient. We are managing work and home and kids, and we get our balls thrown to us all the time. We’ve got to be resilient in managing all of those things and keep on shining through it.“

An overview of Power Women: Moves Power Women make striking changes in today's male-dominated society... with femininity and grace. Chosen from the broadest spectrum of society, each of our Power Women achieves the respect of their industry insiders and recognition and admiration from women everywhere. A Moves Power Woman is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others and clearing the path for the next generation. She shows leadership and dedication; influencing and unafraid to be influenced within her chosen field and recognizes the need for changes in society, and is willing to make sacrifices to achieve these changes... behind the scenes or front of the house.

Moves Magazine advocates for women’s rights, social fairness and equal opportunity to its readers. The annual Power Women Gala is our year-end celebration of women from all spheres who endorse these aims and make a difference.

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