Patrick Bernard - The Song of The Universal Light

Описание к видео Patrick Bernard - The Song of The Universal Light
From the album Atlantis Angelis 1 this is a magnificent devotional journey into the Heart of Hearts of Bhakti Love.
A Healing Tonic for the Spirit...bathed in Love with timeless ineffable Sweetness... this Mantra is a audio description of the Spiritual world....This album was a major event in my Life, it took me very deep to a place of Healing and coming Home, a call to my Soul..coming from my Dear Friend Prahlad das (Patrick) from when we lived in Chateau D"Oblaisse France in the eighties who called all his Godbrothers and Godsisters back into the Heart of Pure Transcendental Love which is this Mantra.. Thank you Patrick and Anuradha Thank you for the honor to create this Video slide show from photos of the Sacred moments of our lives and most of all to your Spiritual Bhakti Seva to the Divine couple
Love Eternal Ananda das ॐ OM Tat Sat


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