Every game on the Sega Genesis Mini 2: Is it actually worth buying without Working Designs CD games?

Описание к видео Every game on the Sega Genesis Mini 2: Is it actually worth buying without Working Designs CD games?

The Sega Genesis Mini 2 is now available on Amazon USA for pre-order, with the product officially going on sale on October 27th of 2022. Sega is reporting that quantities will be very small, so pre-orders are essential….but is the 60 game lineup actually worth it, at $100 US dollars, plus nearly $30 of shipping and handling? Especially in light of that fact that Working Designs will not be contributing any of their key SEGA CD translations for the US version (Lunar, Lunar 2, Popfulmail)?

We examine this question in this video by systematically going through all 60 games, plus the bonus content, that have been officially announced for the SEGA Genesis Mini 2. If we can get 45 out of 60 thumbs up, then we will go forward and make a purchase! But will this lineup actually stack up to that arbitrary standard that we just made up for this video? Join us, and find out!

- CCP Management


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