The Left - Banning Bowhunting in South Australia

Описание к видео The Left - Banning Bowhunting in South Australia

Despite the Labor setting up a stacked committee to access if Bowhunting is ethical and ignoring the committee report. Labor Australia's version of the Democrates is planning on banning Bowhunting on 1st December 2024.

Like all great left wing political parties it is not lets sit down and hear what you have to say it is do as your told. I discuss how this ban effects Aboriginal Australians who are currently allowed to hunt anywhere. Under these changes Aboriginal Australians will be allowed to club or spear an Animal to death but no longer be allowed to use a compound bow.

This ban only effects private land owners as hunting is not allowed in parks. I discuss how Labor manages feral deer populations by using a helicopter to gun down deer. The humanity side of poisoning animals vs shooting animals.

I discuss the whole debate of Vegan vs Meat eating and farming vs hunting.

While Labor members may privately disagree with this ban - they are not allowed to voice their view. Many members from right wing parties have discussed their view on this and opennly discussed they oppose the ban.

The Green political party has been silent on the issue.

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