Talk 4: The Need of Wildlife Conservation from the Buddhist Perspective | HH Jekhenpo

Описание к видео Talk 4: The Need of Wildlife Conservation from the Buddhist Perspective | HH Jekhenpo

The Bhutan Ecological Society gratefully acknowledges the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan for allowing us to participate in the Kuenkhyen Kabum Jaklung (Oral Transmission) at Kuensel Phodrang. The month-long festival was presided over by His Holiness (HH) the 70th Jekhenpo, Trulku Jigme Choedra, and was attended by nearly 15000 monks and devotees. H.H graciously volunteered to speak about the need of wildlife conservation from the Buddhist perspective of love and compassion for all sentient creatures. This is part of the ongoing “Bhutan for Nature” project

HH also presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the Bhutan Ecological Society during this ceremony to recognize our efforts through the project.


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