Can one with Cancer of tongue, tonsil & throat avoid Chemoradiation? - Dr. Sandeep P Nayak

Описание к видео Can one with Cancer of tongue, tonsil & throat avoid Chemoradiation? - Dr. Sandeep P Nayak

The conventional treatment for the cancers of the base of the tongue, tonsils, and throat has been chemoradiation. That is combination of chemotherapy and radiation. These treatments have life long side effects like difficulty in swallowing, in approximately 30% of the people. There is dry mouth and there are many other complications that last lifelong. These recent advances in surgery in the form of robotic surgery has made surgery much easier for the patients. This entity or the new advance sin surgery called as the trans oral robotic surgery where the surgery is performed through mouth and cancer is removed completely is helping several patients. This does not have several side effects. Most of the patients are able to lead a normal life within weeks. As such there is no life long side effects. Surgery which is also called TORS is becoming the treatment of choice for these cancers of the base of the tongue, the tonsils and the throat.


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