【新婦戰士】縮時影片「耶和華我的山寨」| Procreate Timelapse | Messianic Christian Concept Art | "Warrior of The Bride"

Описание к видео 【新婦戰士】縮時影片「耶和華我的山寨」| Procreate Timelapse | Messianic Christian Concept Art | "Warrior of The Bride"

As a Messianic gentile who loves Jewish culture and is learning all I can about spiritual warfare, I've always looked forward to a worship team producing vibrant songs with a Chinese flavor. One day, when I heard this piece, it ignited a desire within me to paint. I want to convey the feeling of being a "bride warrior".

So, I grabbed my iPad, Apple Pencil, Procreate, and began to dance with my brush, hoping to capture just a glimpse of the warrior of God's posture.

Song & Lyrics by / 詞曲:趙福、林婉容
小羊詩歌 · 基音原創《祢與我同在》 專輯
Procreate Timelapse by / 縮時影片繪圖家:Daniel Chai

身為一位熱愛猶太文化,並正在學習操練屬靈爭戰的基督徒,一直期待著有樂團製作有中國味的澎湃詩歌。有一天聽到這段詩歌時,激發了我內心想要把「新婦戰士」畫出來的感覺。所以提起了我的iPad,Apple Pencil,Procreate,開始舞動我的畫筆,希望能夠抓住那麼一點點的,神的戰士的姿態。非常感謝神能夠聽到這澎湃高昂的詩歌。感謝小羊詩歌的美麗創作!

Apple Pencil


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