Direct Access, DAS Module 1 lesson at the test centre (right circuit mainly).

Описание к видео Direct Access, DAS Module 1 lesson at the test centre (right circuit mainly).

If you feel like thanking me with a drink here's how:

Direct Access Module 1 lesson at the Nottingham test centre on an A2 CB500F. The procedures are exactly the same for the unrestricted A Module 1. This was the second half of the lesson, with the first student already having completed their practice.

Time stamps for the exercises:

00:00 Manual Handling
02:20 Slalom & Figure of 8
06:30 Slow ride
06:58 U-Turn
07:56 Controlled stop
08:53 U-Turn (again, there is only one on the day)
09:20 Emergency stop
12:03 U-Turn (again)
13:36 Emergency stop
14:03 U-Turn (again)
14:34 Avoidance (right circuit)
17:19 Avoidance (left circuit)

It makes no difference which circuit you ride on the day: the examiner will either put the speed trap out on the left OR the right, so you will only ride one circuit on the day. You won't know which one though until you turn up on the day! We do practice the avoidance in both directions.

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