Are you using VeXuS for volume overload?

Описание к видео Are you using VeXuS for volume overload?

Dr. Abhilash Koratala from the Medical College of Wisconsin introduces VEXUS, or Venous Excess Ultrasound, for assessing hemodynamics and fluid status at the bedside in critical care and emergency medicine. He breaks down the components of VEXUS, including hepatic vein, portal vein, and intrarenal vein waveforms, and explains how they indicate venous congestion. Dr. Koratala emphasizes the importance of VEXUS in evaluating organ perfusion and its ability to provide additional information beyond traditional methods like Central Venous Pressure reading. He concludes by sharing a real-life case study where VEXUS helped guide diuretic therapy and monitor its effectiveness in treating venous congestion. This lecture provides valuable insights for healthcare professionals in managing patients with fluid overload and organ injury.

00:00 Introduction to VEXUS
00:13 Understanding Hemodynamics and Fluid Status
01:09 Impact of Systemic Venous Congestion on Organ Perfusion
01:58 Components of VEXUS
03:43 Understanding Hepatic Vein Doppler
10:44 Understanding Portal Vein Waveform
13:58 Understanding Renal Parenchymal Vein or Intrarenal Vein
15:49 VEXUS Grading and Quantifying Congestion
17:40 Case Study: Application of VEXUS in Clinical Practice
20:34 Conclusion

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#VEXUS, #VenousExcessUltrasound, #Hemodynamics, #FluidStatus, #CardiacOutput, #FluidResponsiveness, #RightAtrialPressure, #SystemicVenousCongestion, #OrganPerfusion, #CongestiveKidneyInjury, #CentralVenousPressure, #HepaticVeinDoppler, #PortalVeinWaveform, #IntrarenalVein, #VEXUSGrading


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