Day one: Enslaved

Описание к видео Day one: Enslaved

After the tragic events that played out on Bespin, Leia made it her primary mission to get Han back. Not wanting to burden Luke with this tasks Leia assured her Jedi friend that she would be fine and to back to Dagobah to complete his training. This is a decision Leia would soon regret for the days that were to come.

Once she was able to infiltrate the Palace of Jabba the Hutt she would sneak into the audience chamber in the dead of night to take back her frozen lover. After unfreezing the smuggler Leia would try to make her escape, but she was caught in the act by the Gangster himself. His slimy mass eyeing the Princess with pleasure. Once Solo was taken away the Hutt would motion for Leia to come to him. This where Leia’s life as a rebel and fearless leader came to a close and her new life as a slave to Jabba the Hutt began.


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