Top 10 STRONGEST Dark Type Pokemon

Описание к видео Top 10 STRONGEST Dark Type Pokemon

What are the Strongest Dark Types? Are the Dark Type Pokemon like Weavile and Tyranitar still strong? Today we find out with the Top 10 Strongest Dark Type Pokemon!

Check out Luna's World: @LunaWorld07263

Intro - Abandoned Ship - RSE
10 - Cerulean City - Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
9 - Fire/Fighting/Science Club - Pokemon TCG (GBC)
8 - Game Corner - RBY
7 - Trainer Battle - DPP
6 - Grass/Electric Club - Pokemon TCG (GBC)
5 - Jubilife City (Night) - DPP
4 - Jubilife Village - Legends Arceus
3 - Kalos Power Plant - XY
2 - Lilcove City - RSE
1 - Overworld - Pokemon TCG (GBC)
Outro - Main Menu - Pro Sports Hockey (SNES)


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