DISNEY SMALL SHOP HAUL! Ears, Candles, Pins & Phone Cases! | April 2019

Описание к видео DISNEY SMALL SHOP HAUL! Ears, Candles, Pins & Phone Cases! | April 2019

Happy Spring! It's time for another Disney small shop HAUL! I'm so excited about all of the Disney small shop & Etsy items I'm sharing in this video! I hope you discover some new items that you LOVE! Links and codes to all of the shops mentioned in the video are below.

SHOPS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO (in order of mention):

Ever After By Patti
site: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EverAfterBy...
instagram: @everafterbypatti

Pixie Cases
site: https://pixiecases.com/
instagram: @pixiecases
DISCOUNT CODE: use KITTEE10 for 10% off your order!

Wishes Candle Co.
site: https://www.wishescandleco.com/?rfsn=...
instagram: @wishescandleco
DISCOUNT CODE: use DISNEYKITTEE for 10% off your order!

Pin Bake Shop
site: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PinBakeShop
instagram: @pinbakeshop
SALE: 20% off their entire website through the end of April 2019!

Magic Mouse Ears
site: https://magicmouseears.com/
instagram: @magicmouseears

Spireside Candles
site: https://spireside.com/
instagram: @spireside
DISCOUNT LINK: https://spireside.com/a/refer-a-frien...

My Tiki Room-inspired ears at the beginning of this video are by So This Is Love Designs --   / sothisislovedesigns  

Also, please come find me on Instagram! I've been really active on it lately and I would love to keep up with you there! @disneykittee

Thank you so much for watching! If you'd like to get in touch, here's where to find me:

IG: disneykittee
Email: disneykittee81 [at] gmail [dot] com
Facebook:   / 345061425965661  


Becka J. (DisneyKittee)
2136 Ford Parkway #242
Saint Paul, MN 55116

Please subscribe for more Disney videos, unboxing videos and MORE! I try to upload a minimum of 3x per week!

This video is not sponsored, but the description box may contain affiliate links. All opinions are my own. :)

Have a magical day!


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