Red Dead Redemption 2 All Legendary Fish Locations (A Fisher of Fish)

Описание к видео Red Dead Redemption 2 All Legendary Fish Locations (A Fisher of Fish)

There are 13 Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Fish Locations. This guide shows all Legendary Fishes in RDR2 and how to complete the Fisher of Fish Stranger Mission.

In order to do this there are a few required steps. You can only catch all fish after having beaten the story because the New Austin region won't be available before then.

Step 1: Accept Fisher of Fish Stranger Mission (available in Chapter 3 but cannot be completed until after the story).

Step 2: Buy Special Lures from Bait Shop (they only unlock after accepting quest from step 1).

Step 3: Go to the fishing spots, catch all fish and mail them back to the quest giver through the post office.

Step 4: Return to post office after a day to receive an invitation from the quest giver, read it.

Step 5: Return to quest giver and play his follow-up mission "A Fisher of Fish II".


1) Equip the Special Lure that is displayed in the video (legendaries can only be caugth with Special Lures, see step 2). Do NOT equip any bait!!! Bait will attract the wrong fish. Legendary Fish are only attracted to Special Lures that match their water type, but not to bait.

2) Put lure in water. Slowly reel it in until you get a bite.

3) When you got a bite, reel it in quickly and pull the Left Stick up and down. When you pull the left stick down you can see your character pull the fishing rod up, this instantly pulls the fish towards you. Stop reeling when the fish is trying to get away, otherwise the line breaks and it gets away.

4) After catching the fish, bring it to the post office and mail it. If you lose the fish don't worry, it gets sent to the post office automatically and can be mailed later on. Nothing is missable.



STEP 1: Start "Fisher of Fish" - 0:00
STEP 2: Buy Special Lures - 3:03
#1 - Legendary Steelhead Trout - 3:28
#2 – Legendary Perch - 4:21
#3 – Legendary Muskie - 5:06
#4 – Legendary Longnose Gar - 6:00
#5 – Legendary Bullhead Catfish - 6:36
#6 – Legendary Lake Sturgeon - 7:03
#7 – Legendary Bluegill - 7:55
#8 – Legendary Chain Pickerel - 8:41
#9 – Legendary Sockeye Salmon - 9:21
#10 – Legendary Smallmouth Bass - 10:06
#11 – Legendary Rock Boss - 10:49
#12 – Legendary Redfin Pickerel - 11:34
#13 – Legendary Largemouth Bass - 12:02
Step 3: Mail All Fish to Quest Giver - 12:52
Step 4: Return after 1 day to get invitation from post office, read it - 13:08
Step 5: Return to quest giver, play his follow-up quest "A Fisher of Fish II" - 13:30


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