Buddha: Some Things Just Hurt - Allowing Our Pain

Описание к видео Buddha: Some Things Just Hurt - Allowing Our Pain

Whenever we experience pain or suffering, our common tendency is to believe that not only is the cause of our suffering in some way wrong, but that our own response to it is also wrong. And therefore, we tend to surmise that we, ourselves, are also somehow wrong.

Happily, the Buddhist teachings are designed to help us notice this common pattern, and learn how we can bravely open up to our own suffering and really get to know it – very intimately – so that we can become wiser and more compassionate, and eventually, become free of it.

This talk explores how we can better allow ourselves our own feelings through the lens of a half-a-dozen different teaching phrases. It includes a meditation at the end.

To learn more about Shell and her teachings and retreats, visit Mindful Shenandoah Valley: www.mindfulvalley.com

To help support Shell's work and/or thank her for this talk, you can do so here: https://mindfulvalley.com/register/da...

#mindfulness, #buddhateachings, #dharmatalk, #shellfischer


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