Strings in Java | Java String Methods | Java Strings | Java Tutorial for Beginners Part 9

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Strings in Java | Java String Methods | Java Strings | Java Tutorial for Beginners Part 9

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Learn everything about Strings in Java in this Java Tutorial for Beginners! Understand what Strings are, how to create them, and their memory allocation. Explore essential string operations like finding length, concatenation, comparison, extracting substrings, and trimming. Discover methods like isEmpty(), replace(), and charAt() with practical examples. Understand the concept of immutability in Strings and how it differs from mutable classes like String Builder.

But, Before diving into this video, make sure to check out the previous tutorials in our Java for Beginners series:
Part 1: Introduction to Java:    • History of Java | Introduction to Jav...  
Part 2: How to Install Java in Windows 10:    • How to Download & Install Java for Wi...  
Part 3: How Java Works:    • How Java Works | How Java Program Run...  
Part 4: Variables in Java:    • Variables in Java | Type of a Variabl...  
Part 5: Operator in Java Program:    • Operator in Java Program​ | Operators...  
Part 6: If Else Statement In Java:    • If Else Statement In Java | What Is I...  
Part 7: Loop in Java:    • Loops in Java: For Loop Java, while l...  
Part 8: Break and Continue Statement:    • Break and Continue Statement | Break ...  

Topics Covered:
00:41 - Strings in Java
00:25 - Agenda
00:35 - What are Strings In Java?
01:43 - Create a Strings in Java
03:30 - Example on Strings in Java
08:49 - Memory Allotment of Strings
10:28 - Java String Operations
10:33 - Length of Strings
11:00 - Example on Length of Strings
13:25 - Concatenating two strings
14:07 - Example on Concatenating two strings
18:06 - Comparing two strings
18:38 - Example on Comparing two strings
22:31 - Substring in Java
27:00 - Trim method in Java
30:27 - isEmpthy Method in Java
33:33 - replace in Java
36:10 - charAt in Java
39:05 - Java Strings : Mutable or Immutable

Methods In Java Strings :
length() - Returns the length of the string.
charAt(int index) - Returns the character at the specified index.
substring(int beginIndex) - Returns a substring starting from the specified index.
substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) - Returns a substring from begin Index to end Index.
toLowerCase() - Converts the string to lowercase.
toUpperCase() - Converts the string to uppercase.
trim() - Removes leading and trailing whitespace.
equals(Object another) - Compares the content of two strings.
equalsIgnoreCase(String another) - Compares the content of two strings.
contains(CharSequence s) - Checks if the string contains the specified sequence of characters.
replace(char oldChar, char newChar) - Replaces occurrences of oldChar with newChar.
split(String regex) - Splits the string into an array of substrings based on a regular expression.
indexOf(String str) - Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified string or character.
isEmpty() - Checks if the string is empty (length == 0).
startsWith(String prefix) - Checks if the string starts with the specified prefix.
endsWith(String suffix) - Checks if the string ends with the specified suffix.

Whether you're working with string manipulation, comparisons, or performance optimization using StringBuilder and StringBuffer, understanding Java Strings is essential for writing effective code. By the end of this video, you'll have a solid understanding of how to work with Strings in Java effectively. Stay tuned for Part 10, where we'll dive deeper into advanced Java topics.

In the next video, we’ll be exploring Arrays in java— An array in Java is a collection of elements of the same data type, stored in a contiguous memory location, So subscribe for more Java tutorials and click the 🔔 to stay updated!

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