Maharishikaa | A brilliant physiology of Enlightenment and what it is! | Preeti Upanishad

Описание к видео Maharishikaa | A brilliant physiology of Enlightenment and what it is! | Preeti Upanishad

What is enlightenment? With razor sharp precision the Maharishiikaa explains to Julian what enlightenment is, and how it occurs. As the seeker indulges in practices which shift the perception from within the body to the cosmic, the seeker slides into deeper and deeper states of dissolution of identity, eventually making the seeker incapable of connecting with the materiality of the body, forming coherent sentences, and living normally in this world. A once present seeker gradually reaches a state of constant exalted detachment from everything and everyone.

Hearing Maharishikaa use the term ‘bending in surrender’, and unable to really understand this alien concept of bending, Julian further asks what it means to bend? Maharishikaa encourages him to physically bend down in full prostration in the 'Saashtaanga Namaskaar' and observe for himself, the impact of this ancient Kriyaa or practice.

#Maharishikaa #Enlightenment #CosmicConsciousness

The PRESENCE Foundation organises free open-to-all Satsangs with Maharishikaa. Films from some of these Satsangs are posted on this channel.
If you wish to see more Maharishikaa films, including those from happenings not organised by The PRESENCE Foundation you can visit the channel

About The PRESENCE Foundation:
The PRESENCE Foundation is an Indian non-political, non-religious, public service, charitable trust created to empower the transformation of the individual and thus empower society.

Interactive sessions called PRESENCE Satsangs are part of the Foundation's LoveInspirations program, where the Maharishikaa reveals to participants how they can be relieve their suffering, without causing damage to their body. Attendees immerse themselves in powerful transformational processes which result in their acquiring first basic and then advanced skills for lifestyle changes that in turn bring about radical positive change in the physical, the emotional, and the conceptual of the participant.

About Maharishikaa:
Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source.

At the cutting edge of the trajectory of human transformation, Maharishikaa Preeti’s profound teachings about Self-realization have shown countless individuals how to measurably reduce suffering by directly connecting to the Soul within.

In India, she is addressed with the title of Maharishikaa, Sanskrit for great seer and knower - in female form.
Preeti, the name she was given at birth, is Sanskrit for love.

If you wish to make a donation to Maharishikaa's works, please click here:

If you would like to make a Dakshinaa offering directly to Maharishikaa Preeti please click here:

Lives transformed by Maharishikaa:


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