I Read Osamu Dazai's Books - Tragic Life, Tragic Stories

Описание к видео I Read Osamu Dazai's Books - Tragic Life, Tragic Stories

Always wanted to read No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai and then when I finally got to it, I ended up reading more of his works. My personal favorite (after No Longer Human of course) is The Setting Sun, the second half of which made me look at ALL his characters through an entirely different perspective. Although it's very tough to rate his books because they all feel so deeply autobiographical.

The 4 Osamu Dazai books I read:
No Longer Human: https://amzn.to/3WZZiTT
The Flowers of Buffoonery: https://amzn.to/3O31R68
The Setting Sun: https://amzn.to/3tXe9pJ
Schoolgirl: https://amzn.to/4aYMzJy

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Song: Scott Buckley - Undertow
License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
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