Coming Home: Compensation and Care for the Exonerated

Описание к видео Coming Home: Compensation and Care for the Exonerated

Across our nation, more than 3,350 human beings have spent a collective 30,250 years incarcerated for crimes they did not commit. Their exonerations free their bodies, but they do not undo the injuries of incarceration to their minds, bodies and families, or fix the damage to our communities. What is our obligation to these innocent people whom we have wrongfully convicted and their families? How do we help the victims of the underlying crimes that led to these errors? And in Pennsylvania, one of only 15 states that has not passed a law to compensate exonerees for their stolen time, how can we help our 123 state and federal court exonerees (and counting) rebuild lives of stability and flourishing?

In partnership with Witness to Innocence, the Obscured Journalism Initiative and with support from the Independence Public Media Foundation, the Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice presents "Coming Home: Compensation and Care for the Exonerated," a panel discussion featuring Quattrone Center Assistant Director Marissa Bluestine, Exonerees Chester Hollman and Herman Lindsey, Executive Director, Witness to Innocence, and Pennsylvania State Representative and Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton to discuss these important issues.


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