Scientist teaches **How to do Your Own Research**

Описание к видео Scientist teaches **How to do Your Own Research**

Doing our own research can be literally life-saving, or it can leave us even more confused. In this video, a professional research scientist covers the tips & tricks to do your own research and maximize your health and knowledge.

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Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical care. The information presented herein is accurate and conforms to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Nutrition Made Simple!.

#NutritionMadeSimple #GilCarvalho

0:00 The importance of doing our own research
0:56 The tools of the trade
1:51 How to use Google Scholar
4:29 Types of scientific studies
7:00 The Cochrane
12:46 Anatomy of a study
14:28 The 5 Pitfalls
16:20 Beware confirmation bias
17:56 Our dislike of uncertainty
19:13 Pros and cons of online communities


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