How to Tame a Prairie Dog (speedrun 100% no hacks)

Описание к видео How to Tame a Prairie Dog (speedrun 100% no hacks)

WHATS UP GAMERS WELCOME BACK—TIME FOR ANOTHER LEGIIIT PRARIE DOG CHOKING TUTORIAL! Grab some popcorn, your mom, and a glass of water because today’s is a doosie!

Uncle Farmer Dad Ben 👨🏻‍🌾🤝

Here’s all our links to how you can find out more, support, volunteer, or get involved!

Our NEW waco PO box is:

Po box 1723
Waco tx 76703

Our GoFundMe for the new building is live and we’re about halfway to our goal! Every dollar helps a ton!

Pls excuse the hashtags my mom said they work I’m not cringe youre cringe!!

#urbanrescueranch #prairiedog #animalrescue #farmsanctuary #homestead #backyardfarming #urbanfarming #kangaroo #kangaroos #rhea #rescuefarm #ostrichplug


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