How to file Tax Return of Property on Installments, Gift, inheritance and self owned | 7E tax return

Описание к видео How to file Tax Return of Property on Installments, Gift, inheritance and self owned | 7E tax return

FBR date extension 2023-FBR news today-FBR last date of tax return 2023-FBR news #fbr #fbrincometax
#ntnregistration #pakistanwealthacademy
#ntnregistration, #ntnmakingonline #
In today's video, you will learn about how to make NTN Registration, How to make NTN Number in Pakistan, How to register NTN online and learn about new NTN registration in the IRIS portal of FBR.

IRIS Link:

Complete Process for becoming Active in Active Tax Payer List
👉 Step 1
NTN Registration
   • NTN Registration | NTN Number in Paki...  

👉 Step 2
Filing your Income Tax Returns.
(i) For a Salaried person (If less than 6 lakh annually)
   • income tax return filing 2023-24| FBR...  

(ii) For a Salaried person (If more than 6 lakh annually)
   • Tax return 2023-24-File Tax return 20...  

(iii) For a Pensioner Person
   • Pensioner Tax return 2023-24-File Tax...  

(iv) For a Business Person
   • File tax return 2023 for small buisne...  

(v) For Overseas Pakistani and Foreigner    • Tax return for Non Resident Pakistani...  

(v) For freelancers,youtubers & salary from foreign
   • Income tax return for freelancers | i...  

(vi) File return on profit from any saving account (espacially national saving center)
   • How to file tax return on profit rece...  

(vii) For professionals (Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer)
   • FBR income tax return filing 2022-23 ...  

👉 Step 3
ATL surcharge challan payment
   • Видео  



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