Sabaton: Winged Hussars Original X Orchestral Mashup

Описание к видео Sabaton: Winged Hussars Original X Orchestral Mashup

It's been almost a month since my last mashup. I wanted to get this done two weeks ago but obviously that didn't happen. Here's my short story about this mashup:

It's been a few days since I uploaded my "The Final Solution" mashup when I received that urge to create another mashup. I took a look around the pile of Sabaton orchestral covers I had compiled over time and found a cover I had pushed aside some time ago. I read the title, “Sabaton - Winged Hussars (New Orchestral Cover)” by Epic Scores, and I immediately found the next mashup I was going to make. As I navigated my mouse towards Blender, a thought in my head surfaced. "I remember working on this a while ago," I began thinking to myself. "...I left it because there was too much unaligned and missing for this to work. What would make me believe I could finish it now?". I didn't know at the time, but since I was running low on usable orchestral covers, I pressed forwards. I eventually found the old file in Blender and opened it. What I found inside was a huge load of forgotten splices and all the unaligned audio bits left behind. I took all of it in and said to myself, "Lets get started."

I began my work again by listening to the whole mashup uninterrupted to make some mental notes on what needed to be fixed. But it turned out that most of it was already set in place. All I had to do was better align some audio and find something to fill in the missing bits the orchestral cover didn't cover. At least so I thought. I began with incredible progress that was soon grinded to a halt unexpectedly. I was having troubles deciding how certain audio sounded, most notably the chorus segments and the finale. This was taking too long for me. It had been two weeks since I started this again and I was this close, but I needed a break. I had been working on the audio for a while. I needed some time away so I left the audio as it was and focused my attention on the picture I would create for this mashup.

I went to the Google search and found some pictures of winged hussars. Some were people cosplaying while there were also art of the hussars. I had gone into Google images with some concepts that I had already imagined for this picture, but upon gathering some images I liked, removing their backgrounds and bringing them to Blender, I had learned to temper my expectations. I was limited in what I could create considering I use Google images to create these pictures due to my lack of common artistic abilities. To give an idea of my imagination for this mashup, one of my ideas was to have the colored winged hussar in the video to be standing on top of a mountain side with the black out winged hussars rushing into battle on a downhill slope to the right of the colored hussar. The background would've been a sunrise behind the colored hussar with the Polish Lithuanian flag transparently seen in the background as well. The lyrics would've been on the right side as well above the blacked out hussars. There were a few other images I had in my head, but to give earlier my point more credence, there's only so many pictures of a winged hussar.

Being limited in such a capacity was frustrating. I couldn't create what I wanted and I allowed it to blind me for a few days as I begged myself to come up with something pleasing to myself. I spent those days fiddling with the images until I finally got the idea to make the picture that is used. I wasn't happy about the time lost moping about the visuals, but I marched back towards the audio. I was so close and I knew that this would completed at some point. However, I wouldn't have thought that this would've taken another week.

"This is getting annoying." I thought to myself. Every time I moved the audio around I wasn't satisfied with how it sounded. There was always something new to bug me about the mashup. I grew paranoid about every last bit of audio and dedicated myself to explore every possibility that came into my head that could fix the audio. I started narrowing the experiments I conducted. Over a hundred different audio renderings were created, each only having a difference of a few frames for certain bits of audio. Some even only having a one frame difference. But, it was worth it. I had gone through a lot experiments and I finally found the combination of audio that worked. It's not perfect sounding, but it's as close as its going to get from me. If I change any of these by a frame it would possibly ruin the mashup.

I couldn't believe it at first. I was done. This mashup was done. And now, the only thing left to do was to upload it. I can't say for certain if anyone would enjoy this, but I sure do. I can only hope that you like this as well.

Music Used:

“SABATON - Winged Hussars (Official Lyric Video)’ by Sabaton    • SABATON - Winged Hussars (Official Ly...  

“Sabaton - Winged Hussars (New Orchestral Cover)” by Epic Scores    • Sabaton - Winged Hussars (New Orchest...  

Images Used:

"Hussar" by Keid


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