Описание к видео PRINTOCHO

Printocho V1.0 is the first prototype for a toy that includes elements of Art Toy, the fantastic world of robots, constructional and articulated toys, and the possibility of producing them in series.

Printocho V1.0 is a 3D printable robot whose pieces can be modified and redesigned.

It’s main purpose is that of introducing children to Arduino programming, to design, and to 3D printing.In short, it can be considered as a beautiful and educative project.

First developed and designed for "Titirijai 2014”, the International Festival of puppets and marionettes in the city of Tolosa, and along with other interpretations of the figure of Pinocchio, Printocho was on show as part the exhibition "The Truth about Pinocchio" in the GKO gallery in Tolosa, organized by ART TOY GAMA Collective, from November 22 to November 29, 2014.

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