Thixotropic Silica

Описание к видео Thixotropic Silica—Prevent Sags on Vertical Surfaces

A white, free-flowing powder, Thixotropic Silica is a thickening agent primarily added to resin to prevent run-off and sags on vertical surfaces.

Use with an epoxy to produce extremely hard, solid parts, perfect for structural bonding, filling, and filleting.

Use in conjunction with chopped glass fiber for added strength for parts.

Silica-filled resin can be difficult to sand. Consider using #22 Glass Microspheres for areas that require sanding.

This filler is compatible with epoxy, polyester, and vinyl ester resin systems. Add filler after adding catalyst to resin.

Mix ratio is 1:2 (filler to resin by volume) for general use, 1:3 (filler to resin by volume) to reduce runs/sagging.


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