ANOTHER Teen Phone Snatcher Gets Snatched by SFPD

Описание к видео ANOTHER Teen Phone Snatcher Gets Snatched by SFPD

This NEWS video is for EDUCATIONAL and INFORMATIONAL purposes ONLY!

🎥📵ANOTHER Teen Phone Snatcher Gets Snatched by SFPD. What can we say... phone snatchings are 🔥🔥🔥!! Backstory: with help from an astute witness to a crime that occurred earlier in the day at Civic Center Bart, SFPD was able detain two suspects later on when that witness saw the same dudes wearing the same distinct clothing, one of whom went away with BART PD in cuffs tonight.

Extra special shoutout goes to the hard working @Bartfare on X Twitter. After being on scene, the first thing I did was go to the Bartfare page to see if this incident had been covered, and sure enough, it was covered and BART scanner audio was already posted too! Incredible work!

Footage from Tuesday, May 14, 2024


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