Android 12 Internals: The Android Common Kernel - learn to build the GKI for the cuttlefish device

Описание к видео Android 12 Internals: The Android Common Kernel - learn to build the GKI for the cuttlefish device

Courseware, labs & discussions:
Corporate training Syllabus:

mkdir android-kernel && cd android-kernel
repo init -u -b common-android12-5.10
repo sync -j8

BUILD_CONFIG=common/build.config.gki.x86_64 build/
BUILD_CONFIG=common-modules/virtual-device/build.config.virtual_device.x86_64 build/

** Chapters **
00:00 - The Android Linux Kernel building blocks
00:48 - The Android Common Kernels and the Generic Kernel Image (GKI)
01:08 - Downloading GKI from
01:21 - Pre-built kernels in the AOSP
01:28 - LTS kernels for Android 12
01:36 - The android-mainline development branch
02:00 - Downloading the Android Common Kernel source code
02:35 - Building Cuttlefish GKI
02:50 - bzImage (Big Zee Image)
03:11 - Building the Cuttlefish Loadable Kernel Modules (*.ko)
03:38 - Examining the prebuilt Kernel version on a built device
04:28 - Replacing the prebuilt kernel with the one we have just built
04:48 - Replacing the prebuilt *.ko with the one we have just built
05:26 - Build AOSP to include the new kernel
05:32 - Run Cuttlefish and inspect the new kernel version


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