CRSED: Cuisine Royale You Need Easy Aim Viper And I'll Use Eva Woods

Описание к видео CRSED: Cuisine Royale You Need Easy Aim Viper And I'll Use Eva Woods

Players only use Viper because she's way too easy for aiming and still need a cigar for extra health. To me you are just a tryhard with no actually skill. Anyways most of these tryhards are cheating. They need a special XIM mouse with special settings on there phone to help with there aim. People who watch these cheater Viper players videos are probably cheaters just like them. So far I have been 100% right who's been cheating. When I quit CRSED I will expose every last one of them. #crsedfoad #cuisineroyale #crsed_f_o_a_d


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