Abandonment Issue's Part 21 - The Cabin In The Woods - "Why Is This Home Abandoned"...

Описание к видео Abandonment Issue's Part 21 - The Cabin In The Woods - "Why Is This Home Abandoned"...

In this episode, I venture down south to uncover and try and find a reason, why this cabin remains abandoned, with electricity still on and contents just left what actually happened here?
Yet again another home another derelict property and the usual untold story, I guess when you have been exploring for aslong as I have, you tend to become used to they same questions, such as why is this place abandoned?
how can people just leave? where did they go?

This beautiful home im sure will sell for a nice amount, posh area and isolated from the rest of the world, I would purchase in a heartbeat!!!

So if you enjoy my photography my video please subscribe for more!


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