Following The Singletrack Sampler Thru Sketchy Terrain | Millstone Trails Vermont | NES Ep. #10

Описание к видео Following The Singletrack Sampler Thru Sketchy Terrain | Millstone Trails Vermont | NES Ep. #10

We are almost literally mountain biking in a graveyard. These Millstone MTB Trails in Barre Vermont are built around abandoned granite quarries. The Barre Granite mined from these quarries is some of the highest quality granite in the world and use commonly for gravestones. This is by far one of the most unique mountain bike rides I've ever been on. The Single Track Sampler, Hailey and myself were all challenged by the features on these MTB trails.

Single track Sampler ▶︎    / @the_sampler  


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