Between Jews And The Nations - The Kosher Kitchen (56)

Описание к видео Between Jews And The Nations - The Kosher Kitchen (56)

Between Jews And The Nations - The Kosher Kitchen (56)

Textbook for the Shiur: The Kosher Kitchen:

As one of the most common mitzvot within every Jewish household, keeping Kosher is something most Jew practice. Or, at least, they thought they practice. While we know the spiritual purity and ability to properly understand Torah and serve HaShem are directly influenced by what we put into our body, the truth is without learning halachos of Kashrut, it is not as easy to observe the mitzvah as many think.

When the intricate problems of Kosher food halachah show up in real life, many of us are bewildered. If I place a meat lid on a dairy pot, do both of them become treif? Can I use a microwave ovens for both meat and dairy? Can I drink the milk milked by a Non-Jew? What foods are prohibited due to their spiritually dangerous nature? Even for someone who seriously engaged in Torah study, they might not master in these specific areas and cannot answer the questions on the top of their mind.

Learn with Rabbi Lev Leib Lerner, following the Sefer “Kosher Kitchen” by Rabbi Binyomin Forst, the rabbinic authority of the kashrut world, Be’Ezrat HaShem, you will find answers of all these questions, learn to build a kosher kitchen within your house, and guard the spirituality and holiness of your family to better serve Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

00:00 - Intro
00:14 - Sefer Chofetz Chaim: Confirming Suspicions
09:08 - Jewish Responsibilities To Nations
21:32 - Relationship Between Jews and The Nations
39:50 - Intimate Closeness to HaShem
50:27 - Kohanim being mohel, service in Beis Hamikdash?
59:57 - Kohanim, Impurity, Bircas Kohanim, Forbidden marriage, service in Beit Hamikdash?
1:11:02 - Can kohen go to dentist?
1:17:38 - Question: Did Esav have bris milah?
1:22:22 - Question: If I cannot avoid being taken pictures during working, what should I do?
1:24:18 - Question: Is Kohen allowed to visit the Cave of Machpelah?
1:28:42 - Question: Blessing before food for vegetables and fruit & local practice?
1:33:08 - Question: What is the brocha on mixed rice and vegetables?
1:35:35 - Question: Cain and Yisro, Reincarnation, measure for measure, offering?
1:37:52 - Question: Does a bat Kohen need to do redemption of the first born?
1:39:07 - Question: How to measure light food for brocha?
1:41:27 - Question: Do we make brocha rishona on plain coffee?
1:43:18 - Question: How to understand if I am prevented from meeting an individual?
1:46:02 - Thursday Night Story: Arab Father In Law
2:09:45 - Outro

#IntimateClosenessToGod #IntimateClosenessToHashem #Intermarriage #JewishHashkafa #Kohanim #Kohen #AKingdomOfPriests #HolyNation #HolyPeople #OlamHaba #Middos #Middot #PersonalDevelopment #PerfectingSouls #PerfectingTraits #FineTuneCharacter #DevelopCharacter #ServeHashemInExclusiveWay #JewishObligaiton #RelationshipBetweenJewsAndTheNations #HolyNaiton #SpiritualImpurity #Mitzvos #Mitzvot #Kohanim #Kohen #BeitHamikdash #BeisHamikdash #HolyTemple #JerusalemTemple #SpecialRestrictionsOnKohanim #JewishMarriage #JewishFamily #JewishResponsibilitiesToNations #BeALightForTheNation #RewardAndPunishment #DedicationToGod #GoyimCulture #Chabad #Assimilation #ProtectOurselves #OffTheDerech #JewishObligation #PurposeOfKlalYisrael #TheRelationshipBetweenJewsAndNonJews #TheRelationshipBetweenJewsAndGoyim #TheRelationshipBetweenJewsAndGentiles #JewishNation #JewishPeople #KlalYisrael #AmYisrael #TheRabbinicOrdinancesAgainstEatingFoodsPreparedbyANonJew #KosherKitchen #KosherFood #NonKosherFood #Kosher #Halachah #Halachot #Halachos #Halachah #JewishLaw #KosherKitchen #Torah #Mitzvah #Mitzvot #Mitzvos #JewishValue #JewishHashkafa #Halachos #Halachot #BeezratHashem #RabbiLevLeibLerner #RabbiLerner #LearnWithLerner #BeezratHashemLearnWithLerner #BeezratHashemHalachot #BeezratHashemHalachos #LevLeibLerner #LevLerner #RabbiLevLerner


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