ECOP Japan radio 📻 The first webinar from ECOP Japan 🇯🇵

Описание к видео ECOP Japan radio 📻 The first webinar from ECOP Japan 🇯🇵

第1回 ECOP Japan サンゴ礁の海とナマコの話”, “ECOP Japan Radioは、海洋に関わる様々な分野 (研究、教育、行政、産業、NPO/NGOなど)で活躍する 日本の海洋若手専門家(ECOP)同士の ゆるやかな交流を目的としたウェビナーシリーズです。前半はゲストECOPのライフストーリーを聞き 後半は参加者も交えたオープンディスカッションを行います。

The ECOP Japan team and its new members successfully organized their very first webinar held in Japanese. It is part of a new webinar series called ‘ECOP Japan radio’, which aims to facilitate casual exchanges among young Japanese marine experts (ECOPs) active in various ocean-related fields, including research, education, administration, industry, and NPOs/NGOs. This 1st ECOP Japan Radio episode focused on Coral Reefs and Sea Cucumbers.

To learn more about ECOP Japan, visit their webpage:


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