Swatching All Of The Schmincke Super Granulating Watercolours & My Thoughts!- Mina Does Art Stuff

Описание к видео Swatching All Of The Schmincke Super Granulating Watercolours & My Thoughts!- Mina Does Art Stuff

Welcome to another Mina Does Art Stuff video! Today we are swatching all of the Schmincke Super Granulating watercolours. I got these dot cards with samples of all 25 colours as part of my Patreon rewards from Dr Oto Kano.

If you are interested in paint pigments and going more in depth with these sorts of things I highly recommend her channel -    / @otokano   - as well as her Patreon -   / posts   - so please do check them out!

Please Like this video to help this video reach more people and Subscribe to my channel to be notified of when I upload new videos!

The Products I mentioned in this video:
The Schmincke paints are currently on Sale at Jacksons until the 14th May 2021 so use the link below to get them for a great price!

Schmincke Paints - *

*Affiliate links - mean I get a small percentage of the sale price but this does not affect how much you pay for the item and it helps to support this channel! Also for the Jackson's links if its your first time order from them you will also get an additional 10% discount on your first order.

My Links:
Instagram @minadoesartstuff -   / minadoesartstuff  
Etsy -
Redbubble Shop -
My Knitting Podcast Channel -    / @knittingexpat  

Do let me know what you think of this video in the comments, I look forward to chatting with you there soon!


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